So, today, it struck me that the examinations are with us or at the very least just around the corner. For years immemorial, good wishes have been conveyed to our students in preparation for this anxiety-producing period, knowing how stressful a time it can be. The ebb and flow of an academic year normally produces some strange demands on teachers, but it is an undeniable fact that the dreaded exam period comes up trumps! Justifiably so. Many people, including teachers, face this time with tension and trepidation. Teachers too, have their anxiety-producing moments, what with setting papers, making sure that they have been checked and balanced by their immediate superiors, proxying the exams, assessing student work, commenting on student performance, making sure the scores, evaluations and teacher remarks are recorded correctly, followed by parent-teacher conferences and all the dreaded proverbial deadline and year-end activity that makes it a full workload…
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